This button closes the icon editing window without saving any changes you've made. This button cancels the command to close the icon editing window. This button confirms that you wish to save any changes you've made to an icon in the icon editing window. Not available because no item is selected in the list at left. This button removes the currently selected file from the "Open Special" submenu. This button brings up the "Open File..." dialog box to allow you to select a file to add to the "Open Special" submenu. Exits this dialog box. Not available. This button opens the file currently selected in the list at left. This button opens or creates the custom icon for the currently selected file, folder, or disk. This button causes the above directory list to display all files and folders for assigning and editing custom Finder icons. This button causes the above directory list to display files containing icon family resources. This button moves the directory to the next mounted disk. Not available because no disk is selected or because the currently selected disk is not removable. This button ejects the currently selected disk. This button cancels the "Open" command. Not available because no file is selected. This button opens the currently selected file. This field allows you to type in a preferred resource ID# for the resources being copied with conflicting ID#s. This button causes iContraption to replace those icons in the destination window that have conflicting resource ID#s with those being copied. This button cancels the procedure of copying the selected icons from file to file. This button renumbers the selected icon families to a random resource ID# or to a resource ID# you enter above. Clicking this button means that you want to stop iContraption from carrying out the action you've selected. Clicking this button means you agree to let iContraption proceed with the action you've selected. Click this box to remove it from your screen. This displays copyright and version information about iContraption. This item quits iContraption and returns you to the Finder. This item closes all open applications and shuts down your Macintosh. This item closes all open applications and restarts your Macintosh. This item is not active because no windows are open. This item closes the currently-active window. This item allows you to create and access custom lists of frequently-used files for use in iContraption. This item allows you to open files containing icon family resources or custom Finder icons. This item creates a new, empty iContraption document. This menu contains commands for creating, opening, and maintaining iContraption documents. Not available. This item creates a new, blank icon family in the open file window. Not available. Selects entire contents of this window for cutting, copying, or clearing. Not available. Removes the current selection from the active window. Does NOT place the selection on the clipboard. Not available. Inserts the contents of the clipboard into the current window. Not available. Copies the current selection to the clipboard. Not available. Removes the current selection and places in on the clipboard for use in other windows or documents. Not available. This item undoes the last action taken. This menu contains commands for manipulating selections within the icon picker, family portrait, and icon editing windows.